Our Corporate Headquarters has been designated a Groundwater Guardian Green Site by the Groundwater Foundation
Groundwater Guardian Green Sites are spaces recognized for their excellent groundwater and environmental stewardship. They implement groundwater and surface water-friendly practices to help protect and conserve local water supplies.As a leader in water conservation technology for the agricultural industry, Senninger is committed to reducing their ecological footprint.
The company was recognized for their efforts to contain and treat water used in their testing field and for washing, refusal to apply any fertilizers or pesticides around active wells, dispose of or recycle toxic substances and hazardous waste through recommended channels, and engineer slopes to prevent any potential water or chemical runoff into local water areas. These efforts to “go green” earned them the exclusive designation as a Groundwater Green Site.
“I’m excited about what Senninger does as a company,” says James Burks, President of Senninger Irrigation. “We help irrigators by advancing technology that aids enormously in water conservation. We wanted to participate in the Groundwater Guardian Green Site program because the activity required to achieve this designation helps to connect our employees with what our company does for our industry. Senninger Irrigation should be accountable for our utilization of our water resource and the Green Site Program helps raise awareness so that we can work together in maintaining that accountability.”
Senninger hopes that others in the industry will follow their example and become motivated to implement groundwater and surface water-friendly practices.
Groundwater Guardian Green Sites is a program of The Groundwater Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Lincoln, Nebraska with a mission to educate people and inspire action to ensure sustainable, clean groundwater for future generations. The program began in 2007 to recognize good stewards of groundwater by encouraging managers of highly-managed green spaces to implement, measure, and document their groundwater-friendly practices.